I just had my first-ever massage with Sakae today and it definitely won't be my last! It was such a profound, moving, and cleansing healing massage. She is deeply intuitive, and I have never experienced this but it felt like she was talking to me through her hands. Telling me to release and move forward, that I don't need to carry out this crap anymore.
It just felt like she knew everything that was going on in my life and she was tuning into helping me reveal my stronger self again. I cried and also went into a deep dream-like state. She helps you move forward that is what she does and she deeply cares about it too. I highly recommend a treatment with Sakae as you will never look back...only forward! Thank you for your magic and I can not wait to see you again! Sake is a healer and she doesn't need to shout about it, just go and see her and you'll know exactly what I mean!
Sakae is a very intuitive and empathic healer. She asks detailed questions about my health, and explains what treatments she recommends to help. I visit her when I have specific health problems (chronic sinusitis), as well as when I just crave the ‘treat’ of a massage, and have always left feeling helped, cared for and very much more relaxed and hopeful. Just entering the beautiful, warm, fragrant sanctuary of her treatment-room is a pleasure and I feel in good, skilful hands. I feel so glad to have found her (and that she’s local), and have recommended her to my friends and family. My daughters too love going and are delighted to receive vouchers for a session as their birthday presents - what better testimonial could there be!
I have seen many people over the years for a massage and have never felt entirely satisfied with the result so it was wonderful to come across Sakae Nelson. She has a lovely warm presence which put me at ease immediately. She asked me about my health and what she could do for me. I was able to tell her exactly what I wanted and she did as I said, which I think is very important. She explained clearly what oils she was using and why, which I found very interesting. To be treated as an individual rather than a 'choose a type of massage off the list' option was very refreshing. The room was very warm and cosy with lovely gentle music in the background. Sakae was calm and peaceful as she worked and my body and mind felt re energized yet relaxed, which was perfect. "
" 時間が経つにつれ、身体がすごくほぐれてきてます。今日は、昨日あたりから、肝臓あたりの背中や、脇腹が痛く右の足の付け根もすごくつってて、歩きにくかったぐらい。マッサージを受ける前日か ら、毒がたまってきてたみたいです。マッサージしてもらった直後は、心がほぐされた感じが先にきていて、からだの事はあまり考えていませんでしたが、家に返ってから、『痛くない!! 痛みが無くなった〜!』と、本当にすーーーーーっきり痛みが取れて 感動でした。"
" 私はアロママッサージを受けました。とてもきめ細やかな丁寧な問診でその日のためのオイルをブレンドしていただきました。問診の間も親身になって細かい相談に乗ってもらえ、さかえさんのマッサージは体調によって強くしてもらったり弱くしてもらったり懇切丁寧な対応をしていただけますし、リラクゼーションのためのBGMもとても素敵な音楽。ちょっぴり照明を落としたプライベートな空間で、体も心も芯からあたたまり、癒されました。疲れているときは自分でもなかなかわからない蓄積された筋肉のストレス。無理やりにでなく、さかえさんと一緒に相談し合いながらほぐしていけますので安心です。こんな素敵なサロンがロンドンに合って本当に良かったと思います。是非お試し下さい。"
" When I come to London, I like to see Sakae as I find her massages very restorative and re-energising. I find Sakae's calm and steady way of working really helps me to come back into balance as she has a lovely energy. I would really recommend Sakae, for her professionalism, warmth and welcome. "
I had a really wonderful massage with Sakae. I arrived very stressed and her calm, friendly approach and the quiet, beautiful atmosphere of the room immediately helped me to relax. Sakae has a caring, skilled and healing touch. It was exactly what I needed and I felt much renewed afterwards. I highly recommend her.
I have been having massage from Sakae for over one year now. I originally went to see her for tension in my shoulders and neck muscles. I had previously had many other massages from a wealth of therapists. Sakae is a league above the rest. Her treatments are superlative. She has fantastic focus and beautiful energy. I always come away feeling so much more grounded, happier, relaxed and touched by her very unique energy.
In addition to her wonderful massage she has the most beautiful treatment room. The aesthetics are very special - lovely low lighting and candles and a sense of warmth and comfort. It feels like going back to the womb!
Although I see her for physical ailments, I find that she works on much more than the physical level. She is a true healer.
I simply cannot recommend her highly enough.
Clare , acupuncturist, Tufnell Park